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Jazz & Tears

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In 1992, Before RealDigital our CEO created Estudios Meninos da Linha in S.João do Estoril...

He had purchased a tiny house like one door and two windows...
he lived in the attic and, in a 9 m2 room,  on the ground floor, he built his first micro-studio.
He started alone, but then, he thought it would be good to invite Renato Junior ex-UHF (Portuguese Rock band), who had collaborated with him on Sven Svensson's single and on his first solo album, both on keys and saxophone, to be his partner.
The work increased with the arrival of LaFéria productions and they realized that it was necessary to expand the studio.
That's why he moved to an apartment a few meters away and the studio occupied the entire house.
That's when they also went from recording 8 tracks to 24.
Very good for those times.
In a couple of months they paid all the equipment.
At that time they bought a Kurzweil keyboard and one afternoon, when our CEO was alone, he composed a song, instrumental at the time, in a dance style, very unique, without fitting into anything that was fashionable.
He showed it several times and incredible, there was always someone wanting to give a style tho the music!
Some time later, while listening to Bill Clinton in the State of the Nation, realizing that the president was speaking on the beat...More or less 119 BPM.
He adjusted the music and finished the song which was titled "There's Nothing Wrong With America", the project was called Jazz & Tears and of course, as always, he tried to sell it to record companies...
No one was interested, they thought it was crazy, there were those who took the music to someone linked to American politics, but no one thought the releasing was possible.
He even tried to make an exchange so that it could be launched and the profits would be shared by organizations supporting the homeless.
Nothing happened!
Releasing the song with the voice of the President of the USA, independently or not, would be crazy.
Finally, Text To Speech software appeared and he wrote new lyrics and found a TTS voice to play the role of an American politician on a campaign.
Even with these programs at 22kz frequencies, the voices surpassed the quality of the TV sound that I had recorded before
RealDigital Records was finally able to release another work that was always diagnosed as "too American" or "you're crazy!"
Waiting more than 20 years to release "There's Nothing Wrong With America", which has already surpassed 10,500 streams on Spotify.
2022 RealDigital Records released another single "Struttin' Under Brooklin Bridge", inspired by the sound, it has received more than 5000 passes so far.

Meanwhile, 2023, another single was recorded, "Stargate Number 7 (Live@Rocking Rio)".
Attention! Don't confuse it with "Live at Rock in Rio"...
Although recorded in "Studio" REalDigital Records used technology and effects to create the idea of "Live", in the 70s there were many albums recorded like this, with a studio audience but reinforced with recordings of audiences at concerts.


© 2017 by RealDigital Records

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